

Country of Origin: Slovakia; Jewish Diaspora

Photographed: Slovakia, 2023. Memorial to the victims at Kremnička

"I very often go to this monument in Kremnička to light a candle or lay stones. And I always ask at that place - why these 747 people who are executed there, from a baby to a 91-year-old man, had to die such a horrible death. Of course, no one can answer this question for me.

It is important, especially for today's young people, not to threaten, but to remind them in various ways that something like this happened. And young people must see to that it can never happen again.

Unfortunately, according to the last census, between 2,000 and 2,500 inhabitants claimed to be Jewish and of Jewish origin. It is therefore up to young people, but also to politicians, to insist on commemorating these events, so that young people realize what happened, and that they must also make sure that something like this can never happen again. Not only against Jews, but also against other religions, against any other community, color, etc."

It is important to tell young people that we must not forget what happened. No longer for us, but for them, their descendants, and for the future of humanity."

                    ~ Juraj



