Arrivals Exhibit at Goodyear Gallery
Creators Andrew Bale and Jon Cox addressing Goodyear Gallery visitors at Arrivals Exhibit.
The exhibit Arrivals: What’s Left Behind, What Lies Ahead’s Opening Reception was held at the Goodyear Gallery at Dickinson College, Carlisle Pennsylvania on April 6, 2023.
Student Erin Lowe, a student project supervisor and project manager at the Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues at Dickinson College, gave opening remarks.
Creators Andrew Bale and Jon Cox spoke at length about their inspiration for the project and their artisitic process to students, alumni, faculty and members of the general public.
Visitors were also able to view the documentary film, Faces of the Arrivals: What’s Left Behind, What Lies Ahead.
“Before we begin, I would like to take a moment to acknowledge that Dickinson College is on the unceded lands of the Susquehannock Nation. We acknowledge the many Indigenous peoples that lived with these lands, as well as the thousands of Indigenous children forced into the Carlisle Indian Industrial School starting in 1879 as part of a federal cultural eradication effort...
I spent much of my childhood competing in National History Day, a year-long research project that is assessed at the regional, state, and national levels. The topics that I chose consistently focused on forced displacement, topics like the Trail of Tears and the illegal deportations of Mexican American citizens during the Great Depression. It wasn’t until years later that I realized that almost every research topic I’ve ever chosen had something to do with migration, usually forced displacement, because I saw it as one of the most unjust circumstances that could befall someone...
This is just one of the reasons why I am so excited for tonight’s event. This project is the result of collaborators from Dickinson, the University of Delaware, Matej Bel University, and Boise State University. It is designed to share the firsthand stories of immigrants, refugees, and Native Americans in Idaho. Together, they represent over 100 different countries, and this exhibition documents their journeys using a multidisciplinary approach, featuring photographs, video, and audio media.” Erin Lowe
Special Thanks
We would like to extend our most sincere thanks to:
All of the participants who shared and entrusted their stories with us.
Goodyear Gallery, Dickinson College and the Clarke Forum.
Our collaborators and supporters
We would also like to thank all of the visitors who came to the exhibit and carry the Arrivals stories with them to their families and communities. Follow us on Instagram to learn more.